Max Newton was the first editor of the daily version of The Australian Financial Review, Rupert Murdoch’s The AustralianLang Hancock and Peter Wright’s Sunday Independent, the reborn Melbourne Observer and more. We are the first to republish his work since his death a generation ago. We list him as a staff member of ours because we employ his work.

Articles About Max Newton

  1. John Hurst, “Max Newton: Maverick in Exile,” Nation Review, July 21-27, 1977, p. 11.
  2. Max Newton: controversy is an asset,” Advertising & Newspaper News, March 19, 1971, p. 12, 18.
  3. Clyde Packer, No Return Ticket (North Ryde, NSW: Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1984), pp. 100-29 (the Maxwell Newton chapter).
  4. Viv Forbes, “The Tide Turning?The Optimist, Nov/Dec 1986, pp. 5-8. Excerpt: “Some of you may remember Max Newton in his more aggressive days. Max felt it was his duty to regularly ‘shove his fingers up the nose of a politician’.”
  5. Peter Samuel, “Cauldron-Journalist,” Quadrant, January-February, 1994, pp. 110-111. This is a very critical review of Sarah Newton’s Maxwell Newton: A Biography (1993).
  6. The Economic Guerrillas: A lecture in honour of Maxwell Newton by Paddy McGuinness in 1991
  7. Up the Workers! Bob Howard’s 1979 Workers Party Reflection in Playboy
  8. Richard Guilliat, “Max Newton: a muckraker makes good — From Cambridge to pornography to Wall Street, Maxwell Newton can only be described as a survivor,” Times on Sunday, January 31, 1988, p. 36.
  9. Ron Manners’ memories of Maxwell Newton
  10. The Bulletin on Maxwell Newton as Workers Party national spokesman on economics and politics — Anonymous “People” column, The Bulletin, July 12, 1975, p. 30.

Articles By Max Newton

  1. Maxwell Newton on Reg Ansett — “What it’s like to meet Reg in the dark,” Jobson’s Investment Digest, May 12, 1972, pp. 2-4. Good autobiographical material in here.
  2. How to stop Labor running wild,” Jobson’s Investment Digest, January 22, 1973, pp. 2-4. Good autobiographical material in here.
  3. Advance Australia fascist: The forces that make Australia a fascist country,” The Australian, November 14, 1989, pp. 15, 18.
  4. The ‘irresponsible’ way is the only way,” The Australian, October 3, 1989, p. 13. It begins: “Last week the healing virus of anti-government, anti-tax, pro-growth ideas took over the mental computers of men at the very heart of big-government, high-tax thinking in the United States — the members of the world’s most corrupt parliamentary chamber, the US House of Representatives.”
  5. Never put your faith in politicians — “Seven witless years,” Australian Penthouse, October 1979, pp. 43-52.
  6. Maxwell Newton measures bullshit tertiary schooling — Maxwell Newton, “The Failure of Education,” Australian Penthouse, March 1980, pp. 44-52. Excerpt: “There is an elitism in the dogma that we must all have a tertiary education if we want one. … The elitism would have us detest any form of learnin’ except book learnin’; it leads us to a contempt for practical life experience, for practical job experience, for practical jobs at all.”
  7. Manipulating the Media,” Australian Penthouse, April 1980, pp. 125-28, 144-45. Good autobiographical material in here.
  8. Bureaucratic Outrages,” Australian Penthouse, July 1980, pp. 45-50.
  9. Maxwell Newton on Handout America and unbridled Welfare Mania in 1980 New York Post — “Welfare state sinks the U.S.,” New York Post, August 1, 1980, p. 59; and “It’s time to confront the Welfare State,” New York Post, August 12, 1980, p. 43.
  10. Maxwell Newton on ideas for cutting government waste — “Controls curb war on waste,” The Australian, June 30, 1981, p. 13; and “Bureaucrats need a trim,” The Australian, July 1, 1981, p. 34.
  11. Max Newton on the gold standard — “Back to the gold standard?,” The Australian, September 17, 1981, p. 6; and “Fed’s failure puts shine back on the gold standard,” The Australian, September 18, 1981, p. 16.
  12. Josh Frydenberg vs Maxwell Newton on Sir Robert Menzies
  13. Menzies: A Legacy of Lies and Legislation Limiting Liberalism — The untitled “Canberra Observed” column by “Cato” in The Australian Financial Review, August 4, 1960, p. 2.
  14. State aid and the privileged,” The Australian, October 21, 1964, p. 10.
  15. The Working Journalist in Public Administration,” transcript of speech by Maxwell Newton in Communication — Key to Good Government: Fourth Summer School of Professional Journalism (Canberra: The Summer School of Professional Journalism, 1968), pp. 67-70.
  16. with Richard Farmer, Profiting from propaganda — a guide to the chief executive; a short introduction to the problems & possibilities of public relations and propaganda for Australian business & government (Canberra: A Maxwell Newton Business Publication, 1968).
  17. The traumatic birth of a daily,” The Australian Financial Review, October 21, 1988, p. 2s.
  18. ‘Too bloody bad, if anyone gets mangled’: Max Newton talks to Ash Long,” Farrago (Melbourne University Student Union), June 4, 1975, pp. 13-14.
  19. Bunny of the Welfare State,” The Weekend Australian, May 24-25, 1980, p. 22.
  20. The Crumbling Oligarchies,” The Australian, August 1, 1989, p. 15.
  21. Is Australia So Bad That It Can’t Get Worse? — “We have seen the future … and it is New Zealand,” The Australian, July 18, 1989, p. 17.
  22. An open letter to Bob Hawke, B. Litt., Oxon; from Maxwell Newton, B. A., Cantab.: In black and white,” Melbourne Observer, June 27, 1971, p. 3.
  23. Welfare Creates Poverty — “It’s the poor that lose the game,” The Weekend Australian, 7-8 June, 1980, p. 6.
  24. Wastage of the Welfare State a national disgrace,” The Weekend Australian, June 14-15, 1980, p. 16.
  25. A ‘spy’ replies,” The Bulletin, December 16, 1980, p. 5, as a letter to the editor.
  26. Maxwell Newton on Moral Hazard — “Criminals’ hands grip, strip U.S. banks,” New York Post, June 2, 1988, p. 44.

Audio/Video Featuring Max Newton

  1. Maxwell Newton Audio at
  2. Max Newton on Video at first Mises Institute Conference (1983)
  3. Max Newton stars in Ron Paul video
  4. He was regularly on John Singleton’s tv shows, but I don’t know of any surviving footage with Max. At the end of this article is a report of one of them: King Leonard of Hutt River Declares Defensive Just War Against Australia the Aggressor — John Singleton, “It’s King Len, the Lionheart,” Daily Mirror, June 11, 1980, p. 11.